East West Institute of Medical Science & Research

                                          About Institution

East West Institute of Medical Science & Research as an altruistic initiative of East West Education Society which has already made a significant contribution in the health care system of Burdwan and its adjoining areas. The expansion of health care facilities, growing complexity and advancement of medical technology have substantially enhanced the requirement of students. It is worth mentionable here that expansion of medical facilities through privatization has created a great demand for MBBS courses through which medical care can be supported in a better way. So certainly, the venture of this Medical College will expand the scope of medical students for joining a noble profession of MBBS.

The goal of the department is to train students to become doctors who have an astute clinical sense, requisite latest medical knowledge and good clinical skills to serve the medical needs of our society and overall to develop a humane, sympathetic caring attitude and be a fit leader of the medical team.

                                                 MISSION OF THE SOCIETY

East West Education Institute shall strive to bring the highest Quality of Health care, comparable to the best in the world, to its beneficiaries including the poor,  the unfortunate and the under served.

It shall also strive to make the stress full period of studying medicine a more memorable one with the use of innovative and modern methods of education through Audio visual aids. We shall groom the medical students into a complete Healthcare Personnel with compassion and humanity, armed with a plethora of knowledge and skills to stand out with pride amongst the health serving fraternity.